About the Study
iVY is a study about improving health and well-being through short video counseling sessions and a mobile health app.
iVY seeks to make mental health services accessible and adaptable so they fit into your life.
Why is this study being done?
This study is being done to address barriers to HIV care engagement with a technology based intevention. The intervention includes video counseling sessions and using a mobile health app designed specifically for young people living with HIV.
What will take place during the study?
- 200 people will take part: 100 will be selected by chance to receive the intervention, and 100 will receive care as they normally would in the standard of care group.
- The intervention group will meet with a counselor weekly over video-chat for 12 brief 20-30 minute sessions. During the sessions, a menu of topics will be discussed including engagement in HIV care, mental health, substance use and/or other concerns affecting your life.
- The intervention group will also have access to the WYZ app, which has features to help with medication reminders, finding community resources, and connecting with other young people living with HIV.
- After 16 weeks, the intervention group will be assessed to continue receiving counseling sessions or continue with just the WYZ app.
- Both the intervention and standard of care group will complete surveys and home testing.
What is the WYZ App?
The WYZ app contains three main features: My Health, My Team, and My Community. These features were developed with guidance from youth with HIV in our Youth Advisory Panel (YAP) and refined through focus groups.
- My Health allows users to keep track of their ART medication information, visualize their adherence and laboratory data, and understand their health
- My Team provides community resources and facilitates communication with healthcare team members
- My Community allows for social support from peers through anonymous and moderated discussion forums and allows users to stay up-to-date on health-related news.
Where will the study take place?
All study procedures will be done in your home or at a private location of your choosing.
How long will I be in the study?
Participation in the study will last 48 weeks (about 12 months). Depending on which group you are randomly assigned to, study activities will take between 6 to 19 hours over the total study.
Will I be paid?
In return for your time and effort, you will be paid between $470 and $530 depending on which group you are randomly assigned to for taking part in this study.
When and how will I be paid?
Payments are sent through Venmo, CashApp, or with an Amazon eGift card. Participants are paid when surveys, home testing, counseling sessions, and monthly check ins are completed. See tables below for the activies and payments for each study group.
Intervention Group:
Standard of Care Group:
Can I back out of the study at any time?
Yes. You can decide to stop at any time. Just tell the study researcher or staff person right away if you wish to stop being in the study.
Will information about me be kept private?
Your privacy is very important and we will do our best to make sure that the personal information gathered for this study is kept private. However, we cannot guarantee total privacy. Your personal information may be given out if required by law. If information from this study is published or presented at scientific meetings, your name and other personal information will not be used.
Who funds the study?
This study is funded by the National Institutes of Health. (Grant: 1R01MH131415-01)
How can I find out more?
If you are interested in joining the study click here to see if you qualify or if you have any questions, you can contact us.